Requirements & Offering

The Pursuit of knowledge and self improvement is the most noble of causes. 

We know during these difficult times with so much transformational energy in the ether that many are looking to find their life purpose and change paths. 

We know for some of you the money mindset, solar plexus realness doesn't come easy! That is why we are offering:

 5 scholarship per course, per semester of 30% off the tuition price.

1 full scholarship per course, per semester of 100% off the tuition price.

Requirements are determined by: 

  • Financial Need
  • Strive for Excellence
  • Resonance with Our curriculum
  • Commitment to following Sprite
  • Vision of Changing the World

We have received many requests for this offering! To qualify and be considered for this scholarship we ask that you write an essay about one of these topics:

  • How you will change the world with your gifts
  • How crystals changed your energy
  • What your guides are asking you to do to help others
  • What is your vision for a better world
  • How will taking our courses raise your vibration

All essays must be submitted by email with the title "Scholarship Request" to [email protected]

ATTN: Joey :) 

Please attach any relevant information that may deem helpful in making our selection.

we asked that you please wait to purchase the course you desire until after we responded to help ease our admin team:)

Please allow 72 Hours for evaluation and response and please have your application in 4 busiess days before the beginning of a course:) 

Much Love and Light

Joey Wargachuk

Our Recipients

2020 -2025 Scholarship List

Phyllis Mckenna

Crystal Healer Program

Waabaandege Mi'ingun Kwe (Gray Wolf Woman) aka Phyllis McKenna is an Anishinaabe (Ojibwe/Odawa/Chippewa) and Celtic Kwe (woman), who resides in Toronto. She is a Certified Tarot/Oracle card reader and Crystal Master. Phyllis has been delving into the spirituality of her Anishinaabe/Celtic culture for as long as she can remember. She hails from a long line of Hereditary Chiefs and powerful Medicine Woman.In addition, she is a Traditional Knowledge Keeper and Pipe Carrier. She has a strong connection to her ancestor, spirit helpers and Creator her true Teacher. In addition, she is a Tradtional Knowledge Keeper and Pipe Carrier. Phyllis' passion is writing; she is an awarding winning Author and Creative Writer. In her spare time, she volunteers her time to at risk Indigenous people by facilitating Creative Writing Workshops, leading full moon ceremonies, sharing knowledge and spiritual gifts. Her destiny is to help people heal themselves and acsend. She knows that she is nothing more than a vessel for the divine, all that she does is Creator's work and not solely of her own will.

Shaunice Blair

Tarot Master Program

My name is Shaunice Blair and I am experiencing what it means to walk into your purpose. After graduating from University, my struggles with trusting my intuition, self-confidence, and finding my purpose went into overdrive. The only thing that I was sure of after graduation was that I wanted to help people be the best version of themselves and of my desire to be a loving, dedicated, and supportive mom and wife. After buying my first tiny Amethyst cluster in December 2019 I felt a light turn on within me. Then, the $1 Tumble sale when Happy Soul re-opened on May 24th literally changed my life. I am so happy that I made the choice to walk into the store with a heart of openness and curiosity on that day. 5 Joey Wargachuk courses, 50+ crystals, and 17 Tarot and Oracle decks later my thirst for knowledge and growth feels insatiable but so natural. It has been a long time since I have been so sure of something. I am a baby in this world of crystals and tarot but what I keep coming back to is the advice of several readers I’ve watched to “take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.” But isn’t that what we do in all areas of life? We can only pay attention to what is on our frequency. I believe I was always meant to be a part of this metaphysical world but it wasn’t until 2020 when everything I thought was certain was falling apart around me, that there was no choice but to listen to my intuition. Receiving this scholarship affirms to me that I am on the right path and words cannot explain how grateful I am for the guidance and opportunity for growth. My experience is that Tarot and relationships (with self and others) are mirrors that try to connect us to our higher selves. Crystals can be used to facilitate and amplify this connection. Crystals and Tarot remind me that healing, growth, and happiness is always within reach. I believe that by healing ourselves we inspire healing in those around us. Life is best experienced when lived authentically and whole.

Kais Arshil Padamshi

Tarot Master Program

Kais Padamshi is a Black East African settler based in Tkaronto/Toronto (Dish With One Spoon Territory) Canada. As a creative and wellness worker, his personal and professional practices are focused on exploring and reclaiming identity, or creating a sense of belonging; using visual art, writing, yoga, and reiki as tools of healing. Similarly, his community-based practices focus on cultivating stronger, braver, and collaborative connections through workshops, digital communication strategies, and energy work. Kais recently graduated OCAD University with a BFA in Fine Arts and works as the Director of Operations at the OCAD Student Union advocating for stronger social justice practices and student rights.