Course curriculum
Let’s deep dive into the realm of crystal grids. Exploring Programing Crystals, Setting intentions for Rising Vibration and Healing. Understand the ritual and process to creating grids to transform your life and space. We will be looking at sacred geometry and 3d grids for homes and large out door spaces along with mini grids for meditation and self-improvement.
This is an intensive intermediate Level Course! Must Understand Energy and crystal Basics
Workshops Outline:
Part 1: Crystal Mindfulness and Crystal Grid Preparation
Part 2: History of Crystal Grids
Part 3: Sacred Geometry
Part 4: Selecting and Programing your Generator “center stone’
Part 5 Directing energy with crystal points & wands
Part 6: Affecting Energy! Internal/External/Cosmic
Part 7: Crystal grids for Healing
Part 8: Crystal grids for intentions
Part 9: Crystal grids for your home
Part 9: Homework Assignments
Creating A grid For Self Healing
Creating a grid to Change the Energy in your life set to an intention.
Part 10: Pulling it all together!

Senior Practitioner Joey Wargachuk
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